SAFETY DESK: Stay Focused During The Holidays


Field Safety Specialist, Lyman-Richey Corporation

We’ve discussed safety all year long: Work carefully and cautiously; don’t take shortcuts; prevent accidents, etc. Of course, to do this you must keep your mind on your work. But this time of the year, your mind may be everywhere else but on your work.

The holidays are a wonderful time for some people and a stressful time for others. For many, it's a mixture. You may be worried about what to buy everyone for your holiday celebrations, how you’ll pay for all the holiday expenses, or how you’ll survive all the relatives who will be at your place for a week or more.

The experts tell us that even happy, exciting events are stressful to our minds and our bodies. Normal routines and schedules get disrupted, which makes us feel uncomfortable. Stores and malls are crowded and chaotic. Holiday gathers can be fun, but too much food and drink can take its toll on our well being, too.

When we’re distracted, we’re more likely to have an accident. And this time of year is full of distractions — on the job and at home.

At work, you may be distracted by personal matters or financial concerns and overlook safe work practices. You may find yourself taking extra physical risks like hanging colored lights on the roof, lugging a Christmas tree around, or shoveling snow. And when roads and freeways are jammed with frustrated drivers, the number of auto accidents increases. (It's definitely a time to drive defensively!)

So remember that the holidays put extra pressure on everyone this time of the year. Keep your cool, stay alert and focused, and take extra care with everything. It will help keep you and your loved one’s accident-free.

Have a safe and happy holiday season!


“That every employee returns safely to their family at the end of their shift.”

Lyman-Richey Corporation Safety Vision